Park Policy on Handling Aggressive Dogs1
- Politely remind the owner/handler to get control of their dog through voice command or by leashing it to change the aggressive behavior.
- If the owner/handler ignores your request, warn them to separate their dog from the other dogs and stop the aggressive behavior or they will have to leave the park. Remind them of the posted park rule about aggressive dogs not being allowed in the park.
- If the aggressive behavior continues after the dog has been given a "time out" ask the owner/handler to leash the dog and remove it from the park area immediately.
- If the owner/handler of an aggressive dog refuses to leave the park, please call the Animal Control Officer, Jennifer Abalan at 844-5335 and report the incident. If there is a DOGGS volunteer in the park at the time, report the incident to her/him. If no park volunteer is present, upon your return home send a message to our park’s email address at granby.ct.dogpark@gmail.com and describe the incident so we can record it in our park activity log. Try to get the owner’s name and describe the dog.
- If the same owner and their dog have repeated incidents of aggression within the dog park they may be subject to permanent expulsion per order of the Town of Granby.
- The Animal Control Officer of Granby should also be alerted to repeated offenses of a non-compliant dog owner.
"A really companionable and indispensable dog is an accident of nature. You can't get it by breeding for it, and you can't buy it with money. It just happens along."
E B White, The Care and Training of a Dog